Barnwell County First Steps is a local partnership of South Carolina First Steps, the state’s dedicated early childhood initiative. 

As with each local partnership, we operate as an independent nonprofit with a local board and staff.

Because our community has unique needs and resources, we tailor our offerings to best meet the needs of local families.

First Steps was established in 1999 by the South Carolina General Assembly to close the gap on student’s preparedness for success in school. Since the beginning, we have taken a holistic approach to accomplishing our mission, offering services that improve children’s health, strengthen families, expand access to quality early care and education, and help transition rising kindergartners into school.


Our Board of Directors

Chair, Rosaland E. Kenner

Vice Chair, Chelsea Calhoun

Secretary, Doris Jamison

Dr. Vickie Carter-Blocker, Albert Broomfield, Shanda Crawford, Amanda Daff, Jameka Hagood, 

Susan Jerkins, Lt. Eric Kirkland, Enterick Lee, Edward Rockwell, Sheila Silon, Dawn Snead

Our Staff

Executive Director: Tricia Gordon

Program Assistant: Sondra Livingston

Bookkeeper: Shannon O’Berry, SNO Services, LLC

Childcare Training Provider: Ella Mack

Positive Parenting Program (Triple P):

 Teresa Jenkins, Sondra Livingston, Tiffany Zieman